Monday, March 23, 2015

"Home Inspections are like a Box of Chocolates…"

Know the saying? Forrest Gump said it best, "You never know what you're gonna get."

Home inspections can reveal many things. Some homes are in a near perfect condition, while others could use a lot of their new owner’s TLC. 

Most homes fall somewhere in between those extremes and have only normal problems that can be addressed quickly.  New owners, including first time buyers, should understand that deficiencies will likely be found and unexpected repairs may still arise at one time or another. The important thing in any case is that the sellers or potential buyers take proactive steps to protect their investments by getting a quality home inspection. 

Really, it’s what you don’t clearly see that can be the major problem. Getting an experienced home inspector to evaluate the condition of the home is always recommended as it's the best way to know the true condition of the property.

You may not always know what you're going to get in life, but you can know what you'll get before buying a home by getting an inspection.

Don't forgo the Home Inspection process - Get it inspected.